
Terms and Conditions

1. Grant of License to You:

The Rummy App App lets you download and use the software to play games on their servers. You can't transfer this right to anyone else. You can only use the software for playing games and nothing else. You have to follow the rules and conditions mentioned in the agreement.

If you are under 18 years old, or if you are not considered an adult in your area, or if it is illegal for you to use the Rummy App App, then you cannot download the software or use the services provided by the app. The Rummy App App will not offer you the software or services if it is against the law in your area.

1.1 Creating Your Account:

To use Rummy App App, you need to register first. You have to give your personal information like your name, address, email address, birth date, and phone number. This will help Rummy App App identify you as their client. You must provide accurate information when creating your account and keep it up to date.

2. No Warranties by Rummy App App:

The Rummy App App does not promise anything about the Software, Site, or Games. They are given to you as they are. The Rummy App App does not guarantee that the Software or Games are good, complete, or correct. The Ludo App does not promise that the Site, Software, Games, or Servers will always work perfectly or be free from viruses or bugs, even though they try their best to give you good service.

Funds in play at the time of the interruption will be returned to players Rummy App App decides were unable to play after the interruption of the Games if a Games system malfunction results in an interruption of the Games and the Game play cannot be resumed. Non-system issues, such as the User's loss of power or internet connectivity, are not covered by this policy.

3.limitation Of Liability:

Rummy App App shall not be responsible for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages of any kind (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) resulting from the use (or improper use) of the Software, the Games, or your access to the Site or the Servers, even if Rummy App App had been aware of the possibility of such damages in advance.

4.Security :

You are responsible for keeping your Player ID and Password for the Rummy App App Software safe and secret. If someone else uses your ID or Password without permission, it is your fault. You will be responsible for any problems or money lost because of this. Rummy App App might ask you to show proof of how you paid for your deposits before giving you any money you won.

5.Player-to-Player Agreements or transactions:

You can only use your Rummy App App account to play games. If you break this rule, Rummy App App can stop you from playing, delete your account, and take your money. You can only transfer money to play games on Rummy App App, and it's your responsibility if anything goes wrong. Rummy App App doesn't support private transactions between players, and won't be responsible if anything goes wrong.

6.Player Game Conduct:

Language that is abusive or derogatory, as well as any other actions that the Poker Room deems unsuitable given the nature of the product, will not be accepted. The Poker Room will take prompt action to address any bad behaviour or language that is brought to its attention or that is identified by it. This action may include the suspension or revocation of playing rights or other measures that the Poker Room deems appropriate.

Additionally, Rummy App App Casino forbids the use of any language other than English or Spanish for chat or communication. The Poker Room will decide on any controversy or dispute that arises between any Players or between one or more Players and the Poker Room, and their judgement will be final and binding in all respects. All conflicts or disputes must be reported via email to the Poker Room.

7.Personal Use Only:

Any professional use of the Software in connection with a betting or wagering enterprise is expressly prohibited. You are only permitted to play for fun and as a recreational activity. You acknowledge and agree that your participation in the Games is done purely for fun and that you are not operating a betting or wagering operation.

If Rummy App App Casino finds that a User has violated the aforementioned clause, Rummy App App Casino reserves the right to immediately deny that User access to the Games, terminate that User's account with Rummy App App Casino, and seize all funds held in the applicable Rummy App App Casino "real money account." It is your responsibility to confirm the gambling laws that apply to how users of the Software may use the Software before you start playing poker at Rummy App App in order to ascertain any restrictions and take appropriate action.

8.Dorment or Inactive Accounts/Access Fee:

Rummy App App has the right to suspend any User account that has not been accessed or used to play any games for the previous 12 months on or after the last day of each calendar month. In this situation, Rummy App App will hold onto any remaining funds in the aforementioned account(s) and keep them in a pooled segregated suspense account for a further 60 days.

If a user doesn't use their Rummy App App account for a year, they will get a notification. The notification will be sent to the email address on file. If the user doesn't want to get emails from Rummy App App, they won't get any notifications.

If a user claims their remaining balance within 60 days, Rummy App App will check their identity and eligibility. They may also ask the user to sign a written acknowledgement of any credit card deposits. Then, Rummy App App will pay the user what they are owed.

If the balance is not claimed within 60 days and there hasn't been any activity for three more months, Rummy App App will keep the money as an access fee.

If a user's account is closed because of misconduct, fraud, or collusion, Rummy App App can take any remaining money.

If a user passes away, their account balance will be held by Rummy App App until the executor or authorized representative of their estate can claim it. If someone else wants to claim the balance, they need to provide evidence in court within six months of their claim.


Without prejudice to any other rights of Rummy App App, Rummy App App may immediately and unilaterally terminate this Agreement if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein or for any other reason or for no reason. In such event, you must destroy all of your copies of the Software. ANY suspicious or criminal activity will be promptly reported to the appropriate authorities. The balance of funds in any User account closed by Rummy App App due to User misconduct, fraud, or collusion may be seized and each such User shall forfeit any and all interest thereto.


Rummy App App reserves the right to change this Agreement at any time with or without notice and you will be bound by such amended Agreement upon its being posted at the Site. Therefore, we encourage you to visit the Site regularly and check the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement. Your continued use of the Client Software or access to the Site shall be conclusively deemed to attest to your agreement to any amendments to the Agreement.

11.Governing Law:

This agreement is governed by the laws of Curacao and Costa Rica. Any disagreements between the parties will be handled by the courts in Costa Rica. Both parties agree to this and cannot object to it. This only applies to disagreements between the user and Rummy App App and does not affect any other rights or remedies that Rummy App App may have with other businesses.


If a provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that shall not affect the validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other provision hereof or the validity or enforceability in other jurisdictions of that or any other provision hereof.

13.specific geographic Restriction.

Residents of Sweden, Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Mayotte, Réunion, Martinique, France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Australia, or the United States are not permitted to view this site or use any of the games accessed through software downloads provided hereby. From time to time, in its sole discretion, All Ludo App may amend the list of specific geographic restrictions from which You may not access any of the Services.

14.Responsible Gaming:

If You believe that You have a gaming problem notify Rummy App App by email or through the in-game live Host, if provided. Rummy App App policy does not provide you with an option to self-set or change deposit limits at your discretion; rather your identity will be confirmed, and your account will be closed for real money gaming activity. Rummy App App reserves the absolute right to itself review or use third party verification to review player activity in the Games or as reported by other gaming operators to profile and remove players access in its sole discretion.

15.Marketing Incentives and Bonuses:

Rummy App App might give you free play, prizes, bonuses, or other rewards. They might send you messages by text, email, or phone about these rewards or other information related to your account. If you don't want these messages, you can email support to opt out. You can only use the rewards if you follow the rules for them. If you don't follow the rules, Rummy App App can take away the rewards without giving you anything else. If you win a raffle, you have 7 days to claim your prize. The rewards might include things like free play, contests, or non-money prizes.

16. Access to Activity other than Rummy App App:

The Rummy App App lets you do more than just play poker. You can also play other games like blackjack, join fantasy sports pools and competitions, and play casino games for real or play money. This is just for fun and not for betting or gambling. The Rummy App App is giving you access to these activities as a convenience, but they may be offered by someone else. If you choose to participate, you have to follow their rules and make sure it's legal where you are.

17. Data Retention:

Rummy App App reserves the right to retain player information for an indefinite period of time to enforce the End User License Agreement, prevent fraud, resolve a claim, or comply with any other acts permitted by law. Rummy App App reserve this right whether an account is terminated by Rummy App App or at the request of the player.

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